Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jellyfish Lake - in the Republic of Palau

Jellyfish Lake is a unique lake located in the Republic of Palau. The lake is very famous because it has natural beauty underwater is amazing, especially with the presence of millions of jellyfish found in this lake. So it is not surprising that these lakes dubbed as the jellyfish lake.
Jellyfish Lake is one of the famous places in the world, especially for lovers of snorkeling would have been familiar with this place. However, suppose not know and have never been here you should visit this place. Because if you are a snorkeling lovers will surely not miss to do snorkeling in this place.

In this lake there are several types of jellyfish are moon jellyfish (Aurelia sp.) And golden jellyfish (Mastigias sp.). Jellyfish gold is most closely related to jellyfish to see (Mastigias papua) that inhabit the nearby lagoon. Though in this place there are millions of jellyfish that have sting, do not be afraid because the sting was so weak, so snorkelers can swim safely and enjoy the beauty of the jellyfish lake. Jellyfish Lake in Palau, including categories of natural phenomena and scientific mystery.

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